Saturday, April 26, 2014

coffee, gasoline, and the loss of common sense

Coffee and gas prices are up!  Remember when coffee was NEVER over $1 for a cup?  Now if coffee is less than a dollar, it seems like a great deal.  Remember not too long ago when gasoline was considered expensive when it went above $1.50 a gallon?  We are slowing (or maybe quickly) being boiled in the water of a society that feels luke warm, yet is hotter and likely more dangerous than we realize.  Spiritually, emotionally and physically we have become a numb society.   Numb to the lies, immoralities, and pains in our own lives and the lives of others.  Why?  Let me tell you why.  WE are TOO busy!  We put way too much emphasis on things that are not important.  We are afraid to face ourselves and face the truth and we are all suffering greatly for it!  Good news right?  Let me just say that I am just as guilty as anyone else.  When G.K Chesterton wrote his answer to an essay contest decades ago that asked the question, "what is wrong with the world?", he wrote one word... ME.  It takes great courage to live a life of integrity, honesty, and humility.  It can be very difficult and maybe not all that glamorous.  I've thought many times about writing a book titled "the truth about life".  It would not be very popular because it would likely shake a lot of the walls of denial we all build around ourselves.  The bottom line is this.  Do you want the truth or not?  Do you want to be happy or not?  One way or another many of us will learn the lessons of life, if we are lucky.  I want to encourage anyone who reads this to seek honesty and integrity and don't worry about the outcome.  It's your life, it's your journey and we all have to live with the consequences of our choices.  I would love to hear from anyone and would love to discuss these issues with anyone who is truly interested in exploring the deeper meanings and realities of life.  Like John Mayer said "I know that the heart of life is good".  I believe it is and I look forward to continuing this journey with you all.  Don't stop believing (is that a song) and keep on truckin'!  Ya dig?  Yaeee yaeeeeeehhh

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