Saturday, December 28, 2013

hello beautiful!

These protein drinks are very good!  Non-dairy and generally healthy ingredients!  It tastes great and is a wonderful on the go pick me up, or a good snack when you don't have time or don't feel like cooking.    
  For people with sensitive stomachs or if you have acid reflux, it is often said that chocolate is not good for you!  If that is the case there is also a vanilla version of these shakes!  Compared to many other protein drinks I have tried, I think this is one of the best!  It makes a nice treat and also comes in a cappuccino flavor!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

continuing bottled water reviews

I love trying new products!!!  Today I tried Penta bottled water and I will say I enjoyed it greatly!  From the soothing label and comfortably shaped bottle to the descriptive, convincing facts concerning the quality of the water, I was sold!  Penta Water claims to be the purest bottled water on the market and is "an essential step to realize your best mental and physical performance".  I paid slightly over $2 for a 1 liter bottle, as I've said in other posts some would consider this relatively expensive.  However, how much do many of us spend on fast food, beer, clothes, movies, coffee drinks, and so on?  Remember that your mind and experience of life can be greatly affected by the quality of the food and water you eat and drink.  To your health, cheers!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

other bottled water options

In my opinion, Fiji is another good option for bottled water.  It is somewhat expensive for water, yet I think it is better to know you are getting clean, pure water.  As I find other research and information I will make updates and look for cheaper options.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

water review

How do any of us know what water to drink?  Are they all good?  While I can definitely not speak with any authority on this topic, I can share what I have experienced!  I have drank numerous bottled waters as well as well water!  Sooooo... here's my take!  I personally am into more alkaline waters right now, it seems that many of us tend to eat and drink an acidic diet!  With many people suffering from stomach problems, degenerative bone diseases, acid reflux and so on, it just makes sense to me.  To keep this post from getting too long I will just focus on a few "alkaline" waters.  From reading various articles, bottled waters can range quite a bit in level of pH.  The higher the pH, the more basic, or alkaline the water.  Generally about 7 to 7.45 is considered neutral, above is alkaline and below is acidic.  The two waters pictured here are evamor and Eternal.  Evamor says on the bottle that it comes from a rare, naturally alkaline source deep in the earth and Eternal says on the bottle that it is naturally alkaline, comes from multi springs and contains natural mountain spring water.  So, now for what I consider to be the most important part is #1 how does it taste and #2 how do I feel when I drink it?  I didn't notice any difference in how I felt when I drank either one and for now I enjoyed the taste of the evamor and found it very smooth.  That's my story for now

and the winner is...