Tuesday, September 24, 2013

healthy food suggestions re-visited

Here again is some specific food suggestions.  (Most of these I mentioned in an earlier blog, so forgive the repeats.) Delicious and nutritious.  Food for Life Ezekiel rolls and Food for Life gluten free english muffins (make sure you toast them enough!).  Earth Balance buttery spread. Full Circle lentil soup (Big Y brand).  For all you people living in southeastern CT, you can get the rolls, buttery spread and english muffins at the Natural Food Store in Niantic.  Some Stop and Shops also sell the Earth Balance and sometimes the Food for Life english muffins.  In case it wasn't obvious, the organic Full Circle lentil soup is sold at Big Y stores.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

some healthy food suggestions

When trying to eat healthy some people like specific suggestions.  Here are some suggestions of foods that I find healthy, nourishing and tasty.  Earth Balance buttery spread.  Organic cage free eggs.  Ezekiel bread and rolls.  Food for Life gluten free english muffins.  Spectrum canola oil organic spread.  Organic peanut butter (only added ingredient of sea salt).  While not all foods are healthy for all people and not all people agree on what healthy means, there are different degrees of quality.  The goal is to improve the quality as you are able.  That means as you are able to afford it, as you are able to have the time to go out and get it, and as you feel like you want to.  Another factor to take into account is what is available to you.  It is true that we can get pretty much anything from internet ordering now, yet sometimes it is more convenient to pick up items all at once when you are at the grocery store.  Don't stress out about making changes or about getting everything right.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

all foods, supplements, and protein powders are NOT created equal

When it comes to what you eat or drink, the quality and source are extremely important.  The quality will affect how the food or drink is absorbed, digested and used in your body.  If you are eating and drinking low quality foods and drinks, you will be much more likely to have health problems.  There are many ways to improve what you eat and drink without breaking the bank.  The key is to look for foods that are less processed, that do not have the artificial added ingredients.  A common bit of advice is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store and there is a lot of truth in that.  As much as possible stick to fresh, local foods and home cooked meals. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Give your body a break.  It can be easy to get in the habit of always wanting to be eating or drinking something.  If you have already eaten and are generally well hydrated, it might be a good idea to take some time before your next meal.

a healthy breakfast

Start your day off with a good meal.  A good meal will depend on your preferences, and what works best with your body.  The key is to have a wholesome meal that does not contain chemicals, processed foods or too much sugar.  Think whole grains, fruits, vegetables, eggs, good fats (avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, etc.)  Eat in moderation and have something to drink with, before, or after your meal.  Make it enjoyable and try to eat when you don't have to rush too much or if you have to eat quickly, try to do it in as relaxed a manner as possible.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

the glory of love

Cherish the moment.  What can you do today to relax?  Put aside your worries and concerns and do something you enjoy today.  If you have a busy day, try to enjoy whatever you are doing or "have" to do.  Accept right where you are and if you have the chance, think about something that makes you happy.