Friday, July 4, 2014

the rise and fall of energy

Have you ever noticed how energy can vary throughout a day or week.  There seems to be cycles and at times it seems like you better catch it while you can!  I do think there are cycles in human energy, as there are with seasons and tides and weather.  We sleep in cycles too!  As much as we may be subject to cycles, I believe that we have a large role to play in our energy cycles by what we eat and drink.  The quality, amounts, and timing of our meals is important to our energy levels.  It can be very complex and we can definitely over analyze what we eat.  I do think it is important to consider and refine it the best we can though.  Happy eating and drinking!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Posture is important for optimal functioning of the human body.  Good posture allows optimal functional of the internal organs and helps to keep the optimal muscle length/tension relationship.  The body works more efficiently in better posture, the skeleton can do its job more effectively and injuries and pain are reduced.  Good posture or improved postured is better for overall well being.  Exercises like yoga, pilates and Crossfit are great for posture.  How about a few tips for posture?

1.  spend less time in the mirror! leaning over the sink and looking in the mirror is usually not good for posture.  unless you are very mindful of how you stand and move, it can lead to poor habits.  look in a three way mirror and be just as concerned at your side profile as you are in how you look from the front.  we usually only see ourselves from the front, while others see us as a whole, 3D!

2.  get in good habits.  habits are one of the greatest causes of poor posture.  see if there are any new habits you can work into your daily routine, and look for ways you can improve your posture in your current daily activities.

3.  stretch.  consult a physical therapist, dance, yoga, or pilate instructor, personal trainer, chiropractor, or any other trained professional for help setting up a good plan.  or join a class or gym!

4.  get good rest, take breaks, eat healthy, and relax

5.  do things that help you feel good about yourself.  the better you feel about yourself, the more you'll want to have good posture, and the more you have good posture, the better you will feel about yourself!

Always consult a doctor or healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

the yin, the yang and the yolk

There are many topics that have opposing sides that both present convincing arguments.  How do we know who to trust and what is RIGHT???  Let's take the issue of vegan vs. non-vegan diet.  Some say that eggs are healthy and some say they are not!  Some say to eat the yolks and others say to stick to the whites!!  I say the proof is in the pudding.  What works for you and how do you feel?  How is your long term health?  How are your numbers?  How is your energy level and mood?  I think when it comes to healthy foods there is a spectrum of what is good and what is best.  I also think you have to take into account all the aspects of your life and health.  This is what I consider a holistic view and that's why I got certified as a holistic health coach (IIN, bio-individuality).  Stressing and worrying is not a good thing in my opinion, so do what you can as you can...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

how do you define healthy?

Health is objective and subjective... does that make sense?  Health is objective because generally we think of a healthy person as someone who is free of disease, and capable of thinking, feeling, and living by some loose norms.  These norms include a certain blood pressure, heart rate, and physical capacity.  Healthy usually refers to a body and mind that functions well.  Now, health is subjective because everyone has experienced "good days" and "bad days".  To someone who has been acutely sick for a few days, small improvements can feel like major improvements in health.  There is definitely a spectrum of healthy.  We would all do well to strive for health in terms of being our best selves.  This requires a holistic approach.  When I studied with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), this was very much emphasized in the curriculum.  They take a holistic approach that addresses all aspects of health from emotional and physical, to spiritual and career/purpose.  We all need to look at how we define healthy and then be it!  Good day

Saturday, April 26, 2014

coffee, gasoline, and the loss of common sense

Coffee and gas prices are up!  Remember when coffee was NEVER over $1 for a cup?  Now if coffee is less than a dollar, it seems like a great deal.  Remember not too long ago when gasoline was considered expensive when it went above $1.50 a gallon?  We are slowing (or maybe quickly) being boiled in the water of a society that feels luke warm, yet is hotter and likely more dangerous than we realize.  Spiritually, emotionally and physically we have become a numb society.   Numb to the lies, immoralities, and pains in our own lives and the lives of others.  Why?  Let me tell you why.  WE are TOO busy!  We put way too much emphasis on things that are not important.  We are afraid to face ourselves and face the truth and we are all suffering greatly for it!  Good news right?  Let me just say that I am just as guilty as anyone else.  When G.K Chesterton wrote his answer to an essay contest decades ago that asked the question, "what is wrong with the world?", he wrote one word... ME.  It takes great courage to live a life of integrity, honesty, and humility.  It can be very difficult and maybe not all that glamorous.  I've thought many times about writing a book titled "the truth about life".  It would not be very popular because it would likely shake a lot of the walls of denial we all build around ourselves.  The bottom line is this.  Do you want the truth or not?  Do you want to be happy or not?  One way or another many of us will learn the lessons of life, if we are lucky.  I want to encourage anyone who reads this to seek honesty and integrity and don't worry about the outcome.  It's your life, it's your journey and we all have to live with the consequences of our choices.  I would love to hear from anyone and would love to discuss these issues with anyone who is truly interested in exploring the deeper meanings and realities of life.  Like John Mayer said "I know that the heart of life is good".  I believe it is and I look forward to continuing this journey with you all.  Don't stop believing (is that a song) and keep on truckin'!  Ya dig?  Yaeee yaeeeeeehhh

Thursday, April 24, 2014

simplify your eating

Are you still confused about what to eat and what not to eat?  Let me simplify it for you right now!  Eat whole, real foods that don't upset your stomach!  Eat in moderation and try to eat more home cooked meals!  There is more to life than eating and it should be something you can enjoy.  It should not be something to worry or obsess about!  Have a great day

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

wicked smaht

I like the label the bottle and the water!  After reading several articles on bottled waters the past few days I have a little bit more knowledge.  Now for the wisdom!  Drink it!  Most health experts and most people would agree that drinking water is one of the best things you can do for your body.  Many people can find all sorts of reasons to overanalyze so here is my basic take.  If it comes in a bottle and is sold in stores, it has to be at least mostly safe.  If it claims to be one of the best, it should be more than just safe and probably good.  From what I have read so far, I believe that smartwater is good at least and very good at best.  You can lead a horse to water... happy drinking!

Friday, February 7, 2014

why food is important

Whether you realize it or not, the food you eat can have a HUGE impact on how you think, feel and act!  The body runs off of the food you eat!  What you put in your body day in and day out is truly life changing!  Try to make good choices as often as you can!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

quality food, quality thoughts

The quality of food and drink you put in your body can greatly affect your thoughts, moods, feelings and health.  Pay attention to what you eat and be open to the idea that you can improve your entire life by improving your diet!  

Thursday, January 23, 2014

finding quality tea

I recently read a review of different tea brands and it seemed that there are not many that meet a high level of quality.  This could be discouraging, or not.  The truth is that there are many high quality options out there!  I personally still like Yogi teas even though they didn't meet all the highest criteria.  I believe you have to look at how a food or beverage interacts with your body and how it makes you feel.  As far as I can currently see, Yogi teas have very good ingredients, they taste good, and they have the fun quotes on them!  Have a great day, namaste

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

room temperature water

Let me start out by saying this is my opinion!  Room temperature water is good for you!  Let me tell you why!  The human body is always seeking homeostasis.  That means that the body is seeking balance, and trying to maintain an optimal environment.  I believe that the body does best with gradual changes.  This gives the body time to adjust and acclimate.  It doesn't cause drastic changes that are more stressful on the body!  Drastic changes can be potentially helpful or at least tolerated better, but that is a whole other topic!  Give it a try and see what you think!!